ATINA-ASIC South Sulawesi AIP (South Sulawesi Indonesia)

ATINA-ASIC South Sulawesi AIP (South Sulawesi Indonesia)


South Sulawesi, Indonesia

The South Sulawesi ASIC Ecoshrimp AIP operates in Lanrisang District, Pinrang Regency, and will increase the market recognition of responsible shrimp farming by verifying extensive shrimp farming to the ASIC Shrimp protocol. This will be achieved via a collaboration between local farmers and traders, a processing plant (PT ATINA), and supported by the local department of fisheries (Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Pinrang).

AIP aims:

  • Verify shrimp farming practices to the ASIC Shrimp protocol
  • Promote low environmental impact shrimp farming practices that increase social equity by building the capacity of local shrimp farmers
  • Promote coordination among farmers to minimize disease risks*
  • Promote and develop policies and programs with local government and associated agencies that support local shrimp farmers and communities

*The ASIC Shrimp Protocol under the Shrimp Health Section requires farmers to coordinate and inform neighboring farms if a disease is observed and to develop relevant management actions.

Start date

August 2018

AIP Participants

783 farmers

2,343 hectares

Processing Plant: PT ATINA


  • Badan Metrologi dan Geofisika (Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Council)
  • Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau – Jepara (Jepera Brackishwater Aquaculture Fishery Center)
  • Balai Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau – Takalar (Takalar Brackishwater Aquaculture Fishery Center)
  • Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Pinrang (Fisheries Service of Pinrang District)
  • Dinas Perikanan Sulawesi Selatan (Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Prov. South Sulawesi)

Farmer group: Local cooperatives (# of cooperatives)
Hatchery/Nursery: Three hatcheries/nursery
Broker: Two local brokers
Local NGOs:

  • Konservasi Indonesia

Production Volume (mt)


AIP Stage



Sustainability Evaluations

Scoping Document

Progress Update

September 2023

  • Development of Farmer Guidebook on Management Techniques – on farming of giant tiger prawn (in Bahasa) Budidaya Udang Windu Tradisional (Extensive)
  • Internal assessment for ASIC Leader
  • Pilot assessment for 3rd party verification
  • Presentation at the Indonesian Shrimp Stakeholder
  • Verification of Hatchery
  • ASIC Leader Verified
  • Preparation for Indonesian CBIB Registration


  • None


  • Publication of Farmer Guidebook on Management Techniques – on farming of giant tiger prawn (in Bahasa) Budidaya Udang Windu Tradisional (Extensive) – see outputs

*The ASIC Shrimp Protocol under the Shrimp Health Section requires farmers to coordinate and inform neighboring farms if a disease is observed and to develop relevant management actions.


Species (common)

Giant tiger prawn

Species (latin)

Penaeus monodon




South Sulawesi



September 11, 2023