Toolkit & Guides

Links to useful resources about AIPs

AIP Toolkit The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership developed the AIP toolkit to provide some general guidance on how to initiate and run an AIP, as well as templates and examples of documentation to support project implementation.
Introduction to AIPs & Full AIP Toolkit

Templates for AIP development – You can download these by clicking on the links below and then File>Download.

Other Resources

Best Practices for Aquaculture Management: Guidance for implementing the ecosystem approach in Indonesia and beyond

  • A report and executive summary that provide an introduction to the FAO’s Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture and implementation guidance for the seafood industry and governments. Developed in partnership by SFP, Conservation International, and the University of California Santa Barbara’s Sustainable Fisheries Group.

Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) Biosecurity Area Management Standard

  • This voluntary standard developed by the Global Aquaculture Alliance provides a potential template for AIPs that intend to focus on coordinated disease prevention and control.

Hainan Tilapia Sustainability Alliance’s Code of Good Practice

  • A template for AIPs that intend to focus on developing a set of best management practices and improving coordination between producers.

Fishery Progress

FisheryProgress is a one-stop shop for information on the progress of global fishery improvement projects (FIPs). The platform makes tracking fishery improvement project progress more efficient, consistent, and reliable for businesses supporting or interested in supporting FIPs.