Shrimp Improvement Program (SIP) – East Java, Indonesia

Shrimp Improvement Program (SIP) – East Java, Indonesia

Yayasan SustainAqua Indonesia, Conservation International, and ThinkAqua,

East Java, Indonesia

Estimated pond area – 12.5 km2

The AIP will deliver on a roadmap developed by industry, government, and civil society partners. It will focus on increased data and provide evidence to support industry professionalization and market confidence in performance.

Practical training will be given to farmers, other businesses, and regulators on how to use innovative tools to improve water quality and reduce disease risks at the farm and production area levels.

The AIP will initially focus on shrimp production in Banyuwangi, East Java, but will promote lessons learned in other areas. The AIP aims to:

  • Improve governance and farm management in order to reduce risk, improve productivity, and protect natural resources;
  • Increase compliance with domestic and international standards and regulations to increase market confidence and opportunities; and,
  • Engage tech companies to create tools and processes that deliver better productivity for farmers and a greater understanding of environmental carrying capacity and disease risks for farmers and regulators.

SIP is currently supported by the Walmart Foundation to enable landscape-level change by the multiple actors within the industry, in collaboration with the local government and communities connected with the industry.

It is estimated that the AIP contains seven certified farms accounting for around 3,000 tonnes of product.

January 2019


Species (common)

Whiteleg shrimp

Species (latin)

Litopenaeus vannamei




East Java



April 27, 2024